Join Us

Congratulations! You’re one step closer to becoming a Davao Bloggers Society member. But before anything else, please read our membership guidelines.

Membership Qualifications

  • 18 years old by application date
  • Good moral character and reputation
  • Accepts and subscribes to the vision, mission and objectives of the Davao Bloggers Society
  • Must be Davao-based or visits frequently

Blog/Vlog Qualifications

  • Blog/Vlog should be at least 6 months old
  • Consistent (with at least 6 posts in the last year)
  • Latest post should be within 3 months of application
  • Blog must not containĀ or promote offensive content, pornography, gambling, and/or illegal activities.

Application Process

  1. Fill-up the application form below.
  2. Application screening
  3. Vet and discussion by officers
  4. Validation period: 5-7 days
  5. Confirmation email
  6. Payment via bank deposit and/or Paymaya

If you have what it takes to be a member of the Davao Bloggers Society, please fill out the form below to begin the application process. The fee for new membership is P300. A renewing member will pay P150.

Please be aware that it may take us a day or two to check on your application. For questions or concerns, please send us a message through our official Facebook page.

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