Davao Bloggers Society takes pride in being the home of the best bloggers in Davao. This 2018, four bloggers have exemplified the vision and ideals of DBS. They have exhibited excellence as bloggers, content creators, social media authorities, as members of the organization, and as citizens of their respective communities.
We are honored to announce the four finalists for PLDT-SMART Davao Blogger of the Year.
Blogs: SarWrites.com and DavaoCityLife.com
Instagram: @SarWrites
Hashtag: #TheLakwatSARAH
Davao Blog Awards 2018 Finalist for Best Personal Blog and NCCC Best Davao Gateway Blog

Sarah is perhaps one of the most quiet members of Davao Bloggers Society. She rarely speaks but when she does, she does so with conviction. Be it in her blogs or in her personal online spaces, Sarah shares her opinions and ideas clearly and with levity. But also always with wit and humor. Whether you agree with her or not, you are always encouraged to read her thoughts and enjoy the experience. Her writing is impeccable, always profound but also relatable.
As an officer, Sarah is approachable, cooperative, down to earth, and practical but not afraid to voice out her ideas. Faced with daunting challenges as the Vice-President for External Affairs, she has went above and beyond expectations to network, negotiate when necessary, and tackle all tasks assigned to her.
Sarah has also gone out of her comfort zone by being more visible and active as a member by attending more events.
2018 has been a remarkable year for Sarah. She has shown that being good and being the best does not mean being complacent. As a writer, as a blogger, as an officer… in every way possible, Sarah has become better and continues to be better.
Blogs: I-am-Mrs-A.com and TheAngliongtos.wordpress.com
Video Channel: Mrs A Channel
Facebook Page: fb.com/IamMrsAngliongto
Instagram: @i.am.mrs.a, @theangliongtos
Hashtags: #OOTDbyMrsA #theAngliongtos
Davao Blog Awards 2018 Finalist for Best Food Blog, Best Special Interest Blog, Best Blog Design, and Favorite Social Media Authority

Banker on the weekdays. Blogger and vlogger on the weekends. Hands-on wife and furmother 24/7. Athina leaves people in awe as to how she can manage to blog consistently. She is undeniably a passionate and dedicated blogger. More importantly, she understands her influence and purpose as a blogger.
She works hard in consistently publishing timely and creative content and never hesitates to enable others to do so, as well. She is the definition of a prolific blogger. Be it her OOTD posts or her food shots and weekend vlogs, Athina publishes excellent content daily. Usually, even more than once in a day.
Athina is active and diligent as the Treasurer and as a member of Davao Bloggers Society. She works well with her co-officers and with the members. She has a strong work ethic and always comes to meetings and events prepared.
And even when there is no event to attend or campaign to promote, Athina never misses an opportunity to try new establishes, visit new places, buy merchandise, and promote small businesses, in the process.
Her physical appearance might be striking but it is the beauty of her soul and her tenacity that makes Athina shine.
Blogs: JexxHinggo.com and DavaoFoodLover.blogspot.com
Video Channel: Jexx’s Vlog
Facebook Pages: fb.com/BakasyonistaAko and fb.com/DavaoFoodLover
Instagram: @JexxHinggo, @DavaoFoodLover
Hashtags: #EatWellTravelOften #DavaoFoodLover
Davao Blog Awards 2018 Finalist for Best Food Blog, Best Lifestyle Blog, Best Video Channel, Best Blog Design, and Favorite Social Media Authority

Eat well. Travel often. Jexx’s tagline is not just simply that. It is his mantra that is ever present and consistent in his blogs, videos, and social media posts. He does everything well and often.
Jexx loves to travel and explore new things and when he is not traveling or eating, he is a couch potato. And he is not shy to shares all his interests and passions throughout his platforms. And IRL? Jexx is definitely not shy. He is gregarious and personable, always willing to reach out, socialize, and even help out to other bloggers.
Even with a tiring day job and other matters to attend to, Jexx attends events tirelessly and always does so actively. He talks to brands and agencies, works with other members, and represents DBS in every way possible. With a big smile on his face.
As a member of Davao Bloggers Society, Jexx contributes to the organization as emcee of many programs and as a Consultant for the organization’s biggest project this year, the DBS Kadayawan Coverage.
And with all his travels, events, and rakets… Jexx still had time to work on his passion project, Jexx’s Vlog. Now on its 2nd season, Jexx’s Vlog is an example to all that equipment and hardware does not matter as much as diligence, creativity, and the willingness to learn.
Jexx is indeed a Davao Blogger that other members can learn from and be inspired by.
Blog: RoxanneLacap.com
Video Channel: Sweetroxieee Channel
Facebook Page: fb.com/SweetRoxieee
Instagram: @RoxanneLacap
Hashtags: #SweetRoxieee #SweetRoxieeeOOTD
Davao Blog Awards 2018 Finalist Best Lifestyle Blog, Best Blog Design, and Favorite Social Media Authority

Charming and cute. Those are the two words that most people would associate with Roxanne. What they do not know is how fierce this little monster can be. Roxanne works hard and it is apparent in her work as a blogger and as an entrepreneur.
Her brand Sweetroxieee is consistent is all that she does. From her OOTDs to her interactions with everybody, Roxanne personifies sweet. She embraces her flaws and uses it to push her brand. Even better, she is genuinely sweet and personable. She reaches out to new members and makes them feel welcome.
But do not be fooled. Roxanne might be, short, sweet, charming, and cute but she hides strengths that make her a formidable blogger. She does not hesitate in sharing her ideas and works to bring it to fruition. If others are not as passionate as her, she works extra hard to make sure her vision becomes a reality.
As Secretary of Davao Bloggers Society, Roxanne works hard to make sure everyone is well-informed and every important detail is documented. She volunteers for tasks she knows her talents and skills will shine best.
As a blogger, her consistency in publishing on brand content makes her lovable and reliable to her followers. Her audience looks up to her as a #goal for young, fun-loving Davaoeñas. And she might not know it but her hard work as a blogger is appreciated by many.
Sweet. Fun-loving. Cute and charming. Creative. Hard-working and diligent. There are so many words to describe this girl but maybe the one that best describes her is fierce.
Sarah. Athina. Jexx. Roxanne. These four deserve our applause. They may have different passions, skills, and talents but they have all shown us that with hard work and the willingness to learn, you can do more, be more. And their generosity in sharing their time and skills to Davao Bloggers Society is worthy of our thanks.
They have inspired us in different ways. And we look forward to bigger and better things from these four inspiring bloggers.
On December 1, we shall award this year’s PLDT-SMART Davao Blogger of the Year. Congratulations and good luck!
Stay tuned and follow Davao Bloggers on social media to know our Davao Blog Awards 2018 Awardees.
Yay! Thank you for the nomination. ??
And a big congratulations to us: Sarah, Jexx and Athina! ??✨